Featured Member: Susan Erickson

Susan Erickson
 is Director of Hofheimer Library, Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA.

What are you reading or listening to today?
I am just finishing Book of Ages: the Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin by Jill Lepore and I am also reading Ken Bain’s What the Best College Students Do.

What’s the best part of your work day?
The best part of my work day is when I see a staff member accomplish a goal or learn something new. I enjoy helping people develop their potential.

What are you most excited about right now (library-related or otherwise)?
I am excited about participating in the next cohort of ACRL’s Assessment in Action program. Beyond the library, I am enjoying spending time in my garden now that spring is finally here!

How has your membership in CLS helped you?
I have been involved in ALA for over a decade, but I am relatively new to CLS. This past year I participated in the College Library Director Mentoring Program and I have recently been connected with a colleague through the new “Your Research Coach” program. The collib-l listserv is a resource I use on a daily basis, both learning from the advice of others and sharing my own experiences in response to colleagues’ questions. CLS provides great opportunities to connect with colleagues, to learn together, and to build relationships to support what we do day to day and into the future as we grow professionally.

Contact Susan at serickson@vwc.edu