Featured Member: Alexandra Hauser

Alex Hauser

Alexandra Hauser is Instruction Librarian at Pilgrim Library, Defiance College, Defiance, OH.

What are you reading or listening to today?

I’m reading and doing research on embedded librarian programs to go along with the embedded librarian program we are implementing in one of the new core curriculum classes here at Defiance College.
What is the best part of your work day?
I really enjoy working with students, both helping them complete assignments but also learn new skills to use for coursework and hopefully the rest of their lives.
What are you most excited about right now (library-related or otherwise)?
I am very much looking forward to a new library outreach project I’m beginning this fall where I will provide reference and citation help one night a week in campus housing #reslifebrarian
How has your membership in CLS helped you?
I have gained valuable insights from reading discussions on the CLS listserv. I’m still learning as a librarian and seeing problems and issues others are having and how they are solving them is very beneficial.
E-mail me at: ahauser@defiance.edu
Follow me on Twitter: @alnhauser