Featured Member: Erin T. Smith, Chair of CLS!

ErinSmith_headshotErin T. Smith is Associate Dean of Library and Information Services,  McGill Library, Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA. Erin has been a member of CLS for 12 years. She is the current chair of CLS!

What are you reading or listening to today?
Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, and Switzler

What’s the best part of your work day?
Working with my incredible colleagues in the library to figure out how we can best serve our campus.

What are you most excited about right now (library-related or otherwise)?
We are installing a new technology-rich teaching and learning space in the library this summer. I can’t wait to see the shelving come down and the flexible seating move in!

How has your membership in CLS helped you?
CLS has been an extremely important part of my professional career. The librarians I have meet through CLS have inspired me, encouraged me, and (as a result) have made my library a better place.

Contact Erin via email: smithet@westminster.edu
Connect with Erin via Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/erin-smith/50/a83/493 
