Featured Member: Lindsay Davis

davis_lindsayLindsay Davis is Instruction Librarian at University of California, Merced, Merced, CA. She has been a member of CLS for 2 years and also is part of the Communications and Membership Committee of CLS!

What are you reading or listening to today?
I just finished the first Freakonomics book, so now I can start the second one.

What’s the best part of your work day?
The best part of my day is when I see that students are able to dig into searching databases after learning about strategies. It’s great to see them really understand the importance of keywords and utilizing the tools to get the most out of their searches.

What are you most excited about right now (library-related or otherwise)?
I’m still excited about the Silent Reading Party I recently hosted at my home. I had fallen out of the book-reading habit, and this helped me finish my 10th book this year.

How has your membership in CLS helped you?
I get a lot out of the listserv. I worked as a community college librarian for a few years, and now that I am at a university, the conversations around upper division courses and students have been increasingly important.

Lindsay’s blog: https://lindsayanndavis.wordpress.com/
Contact Lindsay by email: davis.lindsay.ann@gmail.com