Featured Member: Kate Leuschke Blinn

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Kate Leuschke Blinn is Academic Outreach Librarian at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana. She has been a member CLS for 2 years. Kate has been selected as the CLS 2014 Emerging Leader!
What are you reading or listening to today?
I often delay reading popular books, so I’m just now getting to The Tiger’s Wife. I also have something light — right now it’s Alexander McCall Smith — on my Kindle to read when I wake up in the middle of the night.
What’s the best part of your work day?
I have a window on the main floor of our library with a large glass window — I love seeing people as they walk toward me, anticipating what kind of question or motivation they might have. Whether it’s a faculty member asking for an instruction session, or a student who has a research question or who is just stopping by to say hi, or a colleague coming by to talk about a project in person instead of over email — I’m always happy to see folks in person!
What are you most excited about right now (library-related or otherwise)?
Library-wise, we are making plans for how best to use our main floor space — we have had two student library fellows helping us gather student opinions and design test spaces for feedback. Lots of potential for new exciting spaces! Non-library wise, I’m excited as my husband and I look forward to welcoming our first child in early May!!
How has your membership in CLS helped you?
CLS has offered me a real entry into ALA — as an Emerging Leader, I attended the CLS board meeting at ALA Midwinter in Philadelphia and will be helping on a CLS committee for the next few years. It’s been great to have a CLS as a path to meeting other librarians in academic libraries who are dealing with and contributing to many of the same conversations.
Contact Kate by email