Featured Member: Stella Sigal

Stella Sigal Headshot

Stella Sigal is Research and Instruction Librarian, Berkeley College Library, Berkeley College, White Plains, NY. She has been a member of CLS for one year.

Favorite author(s)? Any recent books you enjoyed?
I recently read When Breath Becomes Air and 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do, I really enjoyed them!

Most amazing library you have ever seen?
Morgan Library & Museum – Mr. Morgan’s Library

How do you keep current with LIS, technology, pedagogy, and other professionally-related topics? What are your favorite  journals, listservs, Twitter handles, blogs, journals, and other sources?
Anything ACRL (listservs and publications). I also really enjoy The Scholarly Kitchen blog.

What tools or software application amazes you or made a huge difference in your work and why?
I’d say Planner from Microsoft really helps me keep track of what I need to do. I schedule due dates and steps for projects, that way I don’t wait until the last minute for anything.

Connect with Stella on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stella-sigal-802484ab